Tuesday 31 December 2013

Immigration to Australia for Skilled Workers-The Wisest Move for your Future

Australia is a colourful social collage of people springing from 200 countries. This is one unique island-country where nearly twenty five percent of its population consists of non-Australian citizens. Australia has used its diversity positively as it realizes that as new global markets emerge, cultural diversity has a pivotal role to play in international trade.

Australias thriving trove of natural resources and constantly developing economy lures investors and skilled labourers to its shores. Hopeful migrants turn to its borders because its flexible immigration policy and stream-lined migration programs stand out as being successful and trusted.

Devisers is a reputed immigration service provider which makes migration to Australia a quick and uncomplicated procedure for skilled workers. Research reveals that more than 8 out of 10 migrants having skilled independent work visas get jobs within six months of migrating to the Australia.

Australia holds no restriction on the number of visas for professionals and other skilled immigrants using the temporary entry program. Workers with a job offer can be sponsored by their employers which simplifies visa approval. Australia also makes provisions for unobstructed work rights for the spouses of skilled sponsored workers with both temporary as well as permanent entry visas.

Devisers patiently guides you through every stage of permanent and temporary entry visa application for skilled workers and entrepreneurs to Australia.  Those on temporary principal visas usually get to duly apply for permanent visas.

With Devisers as your reputed and legal immigration partner, your dreams of migrating to a politically stable, strikingly attractive and culturally diverse country like Australia with its world class education and health systems is on its way to becoming true.

Friday 29 November 2013

Why Australia is a Great Place to Study

Australia—down-under is an open door of possibilities and opportunities for foreign students from GCC countries like Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates, who dream of a better life and a dynamic, prosperous future. This is because this island boasts of 7 of the top 100 universities worldwide, an annual investment of $200,000,000 in international scholarships and a heavy investment in research.

The most vital consideration for a student is that his/her degree is recognized globally. A degree from an Australian institute is valued globally as a national policy—The Australian Qualifications Framework—ensures a standardized and recognized progression for study at secondary and higher education level and for vocational and training courses.

Especially for a check of regulatory requirements for foreign students, The Education Services for Overseas Students Act, introduced in 2000, protects standards for international students studying in Australia.

Many students who have not had the good fortune of getting a good primary and high school education feel that they might not meet the standards required to apply in an International College or University. However, Australian institutes offer one-year foundation courses providing foreign students the equivalent of an Australian high school graduation and making them eligible to apply for higher education institutes.

Devisers is a legitimate and reputed immigration and education service provider which streamlines the requirements for Australian visa processing. Along with the student visa application, Devisers arranges for a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) with the concerned university for Bachelor, Masters, Doctoral degree or Non-award university student exchange program and Non-award study abroad program.

To be eligible to apply for an Australian student visa, Devisers will guide you that one needs to be enrolled in a registered higher education course, possess adequate English language ability, have financial means and obtain overseas student health insurance cover for the duration of their stay in Australia.

The student visas Devisers will help you procure allow you to work up to 40 hours per fortnight while your course is in session, and unlimited hours during course breaks. This will help you work to earn on the side, gain valuable exposure and create contacts.

Home to world wonders like the Great Barrier Reef, Kakadu National Park, Lord Howe Island Group, the Tasmanian Wilderness, Fraser Island and the Sydney Opera House, Devisers helps you get to Australia, which is a dream destination for students.

Deemed as the fourth happiest nation according to the 2012 Legatum Prosperity Index and with 5 of its cities ranking in the top 40 for infrastructure standards—Australia promises a picture-perfect life. May it be work, business, family, travel, student or retirement visas, just log onto devisers.co.uk and let us help you broaden your horizons.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

The Benefits of Studying in the UK

Students from all corners of the globe grow up aspiring to study in the UK. Their parents support their dreams and save up for years because they realize that the quality of UK education is recognized by employers, universities and governments worldwide and it is sure to pave the way for their child’s bright future and open up limitless opportunities.

UK has opened its arms to aspiring international students for the last 800 years; today the UK is the second biggest destination for overseas students and more than one in ten students studying in the UK come from overseas.

There are a multitude of examples around us of young, eager students whose personal and professional lives have prospered dramatically after they have opted to
study in the UK.

Studying in a dynamic, sophisticated, diverse and developed environment as found in the UK helps students to work independently, tackle problems and make their own decisions—a skill which is sure to help them tremendously in their professional lives and serve as a catapult to success.

One important reason why the UK is a coveted destination for education by international students is that it meets world-class standards of teaching which can be proved by the fact that four of the top six universities in the world are in the UK. Thus, students emerge with an international first-class education degree having a complete command over their subject and confidence in their own analytical abilities.

A UK degree is respected as it is a well-known fact that the institutions in the UK operate within a stringent quality assurance system that ensures accountability in all areas. Official bodies keep a vigilant check on universities and colleges to grade their standard of teaching and research due to which the students who graduate are those who are deserving of their degrees.

Another benefit of opting for the UK as your destination for higher education is that UK universities and colleges offer an immense range of academic and vocational opportunities available at all levels.

As compared to the three-year degree programs in other countries, UK institutions also offer two year degree programmes and some postgraduate degrees last for merely a year. This means valuable saving of time and money as well as an earlier initiation into the workforce which gives value for money.

The quality of education in the UK is such that it helps students benefit from the information and inspiration from the lectures of experienced and qualified teachers as well as to think out of the box with enlightening discussions with their peers.

Apart from lectures, seminars and practicals in UK colleges and universities, students take advantage of college libraries, data archives, research resources, computer facilities, laboratories, state-of-the-art workshops and sporting amenities.

Living day in and day out within a system where students interact with tutors, support services, leading thinkers, practitioners, academics and researchers helps  expose them to people who are inspirational and role models. Facilities like music rooms, film and drama studios and animation suites help provide an outlet to their creative juices.

Devisers is a UK based organization, whose education and immigration experts have helped countless students realize their dream of studying in the UK due to their complete customized range of UK, Canada and Australian immigration services. Immigration law is not straightforward and having the professionals at Devisers as your reputed and competent immigration practitioners is a wise decision.

Devisers UK student visa category allows overseas students to study in the UK at various levels, ranging from primary and secondary to post-graduate and vocational. A Tier 4 Student visa is usually granted for the full length of the course of study (extensions may be granted) and entitles the holder to live and study in the UK temporarily. It also enables the holder to undertake limited work in the UK, depending on the level of their study.

With Devisers as your partner in immigration and education services, you are finally closer to transforming your future and enjoying an education experience of a lifetime in a vibrant, vital place like the UK.

Monday 11 November 2013

Become A Student At Devisers

Devisers sharing the vision of an inspired mind and amazing possibilities rightly addresses the aim of the organization of providing flawless, focused and liberating education that really carves a route of inspiration towards extraordinary possibilities which pars all levels of excellence and quality.

Based in UK, Devisers is one institute which not only offers education to students globally but also takes every step to remove all impediments which may exist in their endeavors to seek this professional learning. From Visa facilities to immigration Devisers chalks a route of ease and finesse which accelerates the learning process for the intelligentsia worldwide.

To be a student at Devisers the formality of former degrees and education is covered followed by an aptitude test which shall determine the level of learning and education of the student. A fair test result shall then be followed by an interview seeking your hopes and ambitions you have attached for yourself and from the institute.

Similarly distant learning program is followed by selection of the courses you intend to undertake and apply for it. Your student login shall be provided through which you can obtain your course work and downloading material. From initiation of the course to its final preparation of exam, Devisers shall guide and enrich you with knowledge and learning every step of the way ensuring a well prepared and equipped professional.

A variety of degree programs ranging from accounts to marketing and language to technical diploma courses are offered at Devisers. All you need to do is do the right kind of research and match it perfectly with your interest and ambitions. The more focused your arena of expertise is, the more fruitful your degree program shall prove to you. The above advice is what Devisers repeatedly offers to the students to ensure maximum productivity of the program selected.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Devisers Offering a Wide Range of Degree Programs

The times of today has made education a basic necessity. Without education seclusion and disconnection from the society has become inevitable. The world today is all about change, innovation and adaptation. One who is equipped and flexible enough to mould in times of today is the one who is educated to do so. Higher education i.e. professional education is the norm of today. Millions around the globe seek professional education to equip themselves with better skills and knowledge to prove their identity and mark in the world.

Devisers, intend to offer the same. Based in UK Devisers offers a multitude of courses and programs which are globally recognized and internationally acclaimed for the excellent range and categories covered. The courses and degree programs offered range from different levels and time frames required to cover them.

The courses we offer at Devisers has been vigilantly planned and selected by a board of academicians who have been selected from throughout the world for carefully chalking a curriculum plan and a variety of subjects; covered in every professional field. So be it business administration, Information Technology, Language or simply finance and quantitative degrees, Devisers UK offer a range of courses for you to master and select from to complete any of your professional degree program.

Similarly Devisers offer many diploma courses as well which may range from computers to tourism, accounts to marketing, finance etc. The directions for the completion of various courses and diplomas are clearly provided by Devisers to eradicate any presence of ambiguity and ensure a careful and robust plan in front of our prospective students which not only help them comprehend clearly the choice offered, but in fact help them in deciding what suits them best.

Devisers have a panel of experts available 24/7 who are willing to answer all your queries and guide you every step of the way towards a better educated inhabitant of the world.

Monday 28 October 2013

Devisers Providing Complete Educational and Immigration Facilities

Monitoring the environment in which a business survives and then taking pertinent action is the essence of management today. Today in turbulent changing times, rapidly changing technology and the ever increase in the influx of communication technologies and the modernity of such devices has led a transformational climate for the organizations to survive.

Devisers capitalizing on the need of the time has offered solutions to education services keeping in mind the hindrances higher education can pose in terms of crossing borders and availing and getting visas. Today a large amount of students aspiring to study abroad are shackled by their fate of unavailability or simply delay of attaining these visas.

Devisers for that reason have offered not only the facility of quality education but offers Visa as well. A large number of our students especially from the UAE have approached us and we are helping them for the purpose. The students residing in UAE have always faced the friction of Visa policies declining them the right to greener pastures by availing quality education abroad.

With the proactive approach of Devisers providing state of the art learning facility and redemptive internationally acclaimed courses offer the facility to Visa and Immigration along with it. Keeping in mind and action the grounds of morality and ethics we pave your path towards quality education and life. You association with Devisers acts as catalyst to the whole process speeding up the procedure for Immigration, Visa, its approval and avail.

The immigration services offered by Devisers are of no match to any of the market operators for the policies adopted are not only in strict abidance of the law but also offer an approach which assures of a positive mindset and initiation.